Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mitt Romney Comes to Michigan Again to Aid Pete Hoekstra

Yesterday was a great day for Captain Hoekstra. Tons of pictures and links to audio/video can be found here.

Early in the morning, Dr. James Dobson endorsed Pete and the Hoekstra campaign began airing a radio ad of the endorsement which can be heard here. Soon after that announcement, brace yourselves… The Michigan Teamsters announced their support of Pete Hoekstra. When you add those endorsements to the likes of David Barton (constitutional expert and founder of Wallbuilders), Jim DeMint, Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker Dennis Hastert, Rick Santorum, and many others, Pete is putting together the most impressive coalition I can remember seeing in Michigan politics.

Next came the first of two fundraisers Mitt attended with Pete. The first fundraiser was in Grosse Point at the beautiful home of the Liggett family.

This event was very well attended and organized. The food was fantastic as well. When Pete came in with Mitt, he remarked that he was blown away by the attendance. There was an overflow room with an audio feed of the remarks Mitt and Pete gave to the audience. The campaign also distributed more yard signs than they anticipated which was great to see.

Then, in between the first and second fundraiser, Mitt and Pete met up with Candice Miller at a press stop at American Coney Island in Detroit. They talked to a lot of business owners about the problems they are facing in Michigan.

Finally, after some more positive poll numbers for the Hoekstra campaign were released, the second fundraiser began.

This event was also very successful. Mitt used to live down the street from the Kiriluk family where this event was held. Several people sent in money to the Hoekstra campaign for this event even though they could not attend in person. Congressman Hoekstra is extremely fortunate, thankful, and deserving of all the help Mitt and the Free & Strong America PAC has given him. Today was just another example of a plethora of examples we can point to of Mitt doing everything he can to bring America back. Think about this: Mitt has endorsed over 100 candidates for the 2010 elections and has been doing approximately three personal appearances a day for months now. Mitt’s hard work is going to be paying dividends for our entire country for years to come.

If you live in Michigan, please sign up to join Team Hoekstra for a statewide door-to-door campaign called Super Saturday (July 17th). Even if you can’t come, try to recruit some people who can.

Also, no matter where you live in the U.S., even a $10 donation will go a long way to helping Congressman Hoekstra win the Republican nomination to be the next Governor of the state of Michigan. The Hoekstra campaign has been outspent by a huge margin, but Congressman Hoekstra has made the most of his resources and has maintained a lead despite the millions of dollars being spent by his opponents. Until this week, the Hoekstra campaign had spent only $5,000 total in television ads. Please join Mitt’s PAC and make a donation to Pete if you can.

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